"Happy" New Year! Lol, I hate saying that.
I've been away from blogging for a while, but i'm back. So the new year is here and everybody believes they'll change something about their lives, or do something new or different from the year that's just gone by, right?
I know it's a cliché to have resolutions, but I have personal goals that I want to achieve from now onwards. I've done quite abit last year with the music, Swagger Up, college, and even ThinkFreshh. but this year I want to do the same, but 100 times better!
You see, I'm the type of dude who starts something but never finishes coz i'm way too lazy, but I think i've waited too long to make things happen for myself! We always complain how things never go right, but how can it if we never do anything about it? So, this year I want to continue a journey I started not too long ago, and that's a journey towards success.
It's going to be tough. Things wont always go my way, and alot of the time people will ignore my efforts. But I don't mind, i'll keep my head up and carry on! And if your reading this, and you have goals and dreams or whatever, always remember there's a light at the end of the tunnel, so sooner or later you'll get to where you wana be.
“Striving for success without hard work is like looking for fruit in places that you didnt plant seeds! Useless!” Rev. Run
You make me wanna achieve higher than I already am! GO GO KRAZY :) .. (TANJEENA) xx